AT Policy Lab is a multidisciplinary research team with a focus on translational research in the convergence between technology policy AND (a) aging and health, (b) social welfare, and (c) gender issues. One of the important missions of AT Policy Lab is training future leaders with entrepreneurship in STP. All members carry out research projects and contribute to writing papers for publication. We welcome undergraduate researchers, and internship opportunities are available. If you are interested in AT Policy Lab and/or research opportunities, please contact Prof. Choi.
고령사회 기술복지 정책 실험실은 다양한 학부전공과 삶 경험을 지닌 연구자들이 모여 사회가 당면한 인구고령화, 건강, 사회불평등, 복지 등의 문제를 과학기술정책과의 교차점에서 연구하고 있습니다. 저희 연구실은 과학기술정책 분야의 개척가 정신을 지닌 새로운 리더를 양성하는 데 주력하고 있으며, 구성원들은 연구 프로젝트를 기반으로 방법론과 논문 작성에 대해 연마하게 됩니다. 학부생에게는 연구 인턴쉽 기회가있으니, 이 분야에 도전하고 싶은 사람은 지원바랍니다.
Doctoral Candidate
M.S, Science and Technology Policy, KAIST
B.S., Political Science and Diplomacy, Korea University
Taekyung studied political science and diplomacy in her undergraduate years and applied STP to learn more about the role of science and technology in a national context. She wrote her master's thesis on older adults' willingness to share information with others and the underlying socio-economic factors. After graduating from STP, she worked at STEPI (2018-2021) and had a chance to experience the way the public policy sector works. Taekyung's primary interest is studying the regulation and management scheme of personal information within new technologies, especially concerning a new type of medical information.
Doctoral Candidate
M.S, Science and Technology Policy, KAIST
B.S. Computer Science & Business and Technology Management, KAIST
Ern Chern has always focused on enriching experiences to learn across disciplines and in different countries' contexts. She has been active in programs related to technology and society since undergraduate school and was elected as a university representative in international programs in China and Indonesia. During her master’s study, she was actively involved in research projects and international collaborations related to gender equity, the aging society, the societal impacts of AI, etc. Being aware that social justice does not come naturally but always needs intervention, she hopes to contribute to evidence for social problems related to technology with interdisciplinary research approaches. Her research interests cover topics such as cybercrime victimization, digital divide, virtual world harassment, AI literacy, etc.
Doctoral Candidate
Ph.D., Industrial Design, Yonsei University, 2019
M.S., Industrial Design, Yonsei University
B.S./B.I.S., Industrial Design/Cognitive Science, Yonsei University
Agnes Jihae Kim holds a Ph.D. in industrial design, with a focus on deriving design guidelines through research on the interaction between people and artifacts, such as products, services, and spaces. She has designed and conducted research on assistive technology for older adults and people with disabilities at the National Rehabilitation Center. Recognizing the importance of public policy, she joined STP. Currently, she is interested in exploring how government support for science and technology should be tailored to consider the needs of older adults, people with disabilities, and those who are digitally vulnerable.
wan hong 홍완
MS-PhD Integrated Program 석박통합과정
B.S. Computer Science (Minor in Science and Technology Policy), KAIST
Wan has a background in computer science and actively contributed to the Student & Minority Human Rights Committee (HRC) during his undergraduate studies. His primary focus lies in diverse forms of accessibility, including mobility, ICT technology, and AI research. Wan's current research interests involve utilizing unexplored data sources to identify and address accessibility issues. His goals include achieving accurate data representation for older adults and people with disabilities within AI systems, as well as exploring AI's potential in reducing accessibility barriers.
jongeun cha 차종은
MS-PhD Integrated Program 석박통합과정
M.S, Medical Informatics, Seoul National Universtiy
B.S.N, Case Western Reserve University
Jongeun majored in Nursing (BSN) at Case Western Reserve University, with minors in Psychology and Arabic. She earned a Master's degree in Medical Informatics from the Graduate School of Medicine at Seoul National University. Her research interests focus on finding efficient ways to provide healthcare resources to aging population who currently lack access to them. To achieve this, she seeks to leverage emerging technologies, such as AI and data, to improve the accessibility and delivery of healthcare services for older adults.
jungwoo song 송정우
Master's Student in Data Science
B.A., Geography, Seoul National University
Jungwoo holds a major in geography and a minor in psychology. He dedicated several years to volunteering at children's centers in Seoul and rural areas, where he gained valuable insights into the impact of geography on people's lives. Currently, he is focusing on synergizing his expertise in data science with his background in social sciences at KAIST. His research interests encompass the study of psychological changes during the aging process, as well as exploring the technological disparities between urban areas and rural communities.
chaejin kim 김채진
Undergraduate Intern as an Exhange Student
B.S., Information System (Minor in Digital Innovation Strategy), Hanyang University | expected Aug. 2026
Chaejin is studying Information Systems and Digital Innovation Strategy at Hanyang University. In 2024, she worked on developing digital inclusion policies as an intern at the National Information Society Agency, where she developed a strong interest in how digital technology influences society. Her focus is on digital accessibility and rights, exploring how digital policies can foster inclusivity, social participation, and democracy. She is currently an undergraduate exchange student at KAIST.
LAB Alumni, Thesis Title, & Current position
Donghun Kang, Ph.D. STP (2018-2023)
Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors in the Anthropocene: A Focus on the Circular Economy in the Digital Age
Sangkyung Bae, Ph.D. STP (2017-2022) - Senior Administrator, Strategy Department, ETRI
Ageism in the Workplace: A Focus on the Software Industry
Jiwon Park, M.S. Data Science (2023-2025)
Exploring Life Domain in Gerontechnology: Insights from ISG Conference Papers (2014-2024)
Taylor De Rosa, M.S. STP (2022-2024)
Internet Use and Social Capital: A Comparative Analysis of North Korean Migrant-Refugees and the General South Korean Population - Graduation with Distinction
Ern Chern Khor, M.S. STP (2020-2022) - PhD Student, KAIST STP
Gender Disparity in the Experience of Being Hacked: A Focus on the Third-Level Digital Divide Using Twitter Data
Chaekyung Lim, M.S. STP (2019-2021) - Senior Associate, FastVentures
Active Aging in the Digital World: A Focus on Older YouTube Creators
Soyeon Jung, M.S. STP (2019-2021) - Senior Associate, Boston Consulting Group
Framing artificial intelligence: a content analysis of news coverage of ethical issues
Donghun Kang, M.S. STP (2018-2020) - PhD Student, KAIST STP
Factors influencing waste management behaviors: a focus on cohort differences in South Korea
Hakjun Oh, M.S. STP (2016-2019) - Associate Lawyer, LAWWIN
Policies to Enhance Older Driver Safety: Older Adults’ Opinions
Sungjae Hong, M.S. STP (2016-2018) - PhD Student, UIUC
An Exploratory Study of E-government Service Adoption in the Aging Population
Jung-Min Woo, M.S. STP (2016-2018) - U.S. Attorney, Shin & Kim
WHO Age Friendly Cities and Communities: The Korean Experience
Tae Kyung Kim, M.S. STP (2015-2018) - PhD Student, KAIST STP
Older Adults' Perspectives on Personal and Health Information Sharing in Relation to the Adoption of Healthcare Technology
Undergraduate Student Researchers (URP Interns) & Research Topics
Moonju Lee (2017)
Policy Recommendations for Empowering Female ICT Workers in Developing Countries in 4IR
Jung Hoon Cho (2016)
Social Entrepreneurship in Quality of Life Technology: Implications to the Startup KAIST Program
Edrick Kwek (2015) - Vice President, United Overseas Bank
Realities of a Revolutionary Technology: A Critical Analysis on the Usage of Prosthetic Arms
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