Quality of Life Technology & Social Policy
Undergraduate Course
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the key concepts and perspectives in quality of life (QoL), quality of life technology (QoLT), and relevant social policies. Students will learn four major domains of quality of life (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive function), needs of people with disability, and existing quality of life technology in each domain. A special emphasis is placed on the aging process and older adults. Students will be challenged to integrate and apply the course materials to evaluating and developing quality of life technology and programs/policies.
Offered: Spring 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020;
Fall 2018 (STP 314)
Welfare State and Social Security
Undergraduate Course
This is an introductory course on social welfare. Students will learn about the key concepts and theories, history and policies, values and ethics related to the welfare state and social security. Students will be challenged to develop critical thinking skills as well as to broaden their understanding of the welfare state.
Offered: Fall 2015, 2016, 2020 (HSS 345)
aging & life course
Undergraduate Course
This is an introductory course in social gerontology. The course consists of three components: (a) foundation knowledge about aging and life course, (b) field trip, and (c) discussions on the contemporary issues related to population aging such as built environment and disasters. Through this course, students will develop knowledge about the diversity of aging population as well as critical thinking skills in understanding social issues related to aging and policy.
Offered: Fall 2019 (HSS 332)
Technology & Social Justice
Graduate Course
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the foundation concepts and theories of social justice, which broadly refers to reducing unfair inequalities faced by members of a society due to racism, sexism, ableism, and ageism. A special emphasis is placed on the role of technology in promoting social justice, both nationally and internationally. Students will be challenged to integrate and apply the course material to the development of technology policies and programs for promoting social justice.
Offered: Fall 2014, 2016, 2020;
Spring 2018 (STP 622)
Aging & Technology Policy
Graduate Course
This course will focus on discussing and analyzing social policy for the aging and aged population. Special attention will be placed on building age-friendly communities using technology and promoting social justice from the life course as well as ecological perspectives.
Offered: Spring 2015, 2016, 2019 (STP 625)
Measuring Unmeasurable Things
Graduate Course
The goals of this course are threefold: (a) to introduce students to the foundation knowledge about conceptualizing and developing measures of constructs through operationalization in social science research, (b) to evaluate the existing measures such as economic development indicators, often used in the science and technology policy research, from a critical point of view, and (c) to explore alternative measures.
Offered: Fall 2018 (STP 702)
Quantitative Analysis in Public Policy
Graduate Course
This course introduces quantitative research methods for studying public policies. With a brief overview of the methodological debates on quantitative and qualitative approaches, the course proceeds to empirical research design and analysis based on statistical and mathematical methods. In this course, students will learn how to operationalize a theoretical concept, develop a hypothesis, and test it on empirical data.
Offered: Fall 2015 (STP 602), Co-teaching with Prof. So Young Kim
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